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"The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave."
- Ronald Reagan
Kelsey Sears
Courses Taught:
Education: California State University, Fresno -
B.S. Agricultural Education
Subjects you teach: Agriculture Food and Natural Resources, Agriculture Government and Economics, Veterinary Science
What do you love most about being an Ag teacher: I love that every day I get the chance to teach something new and different to amazing students. I also love that I get the opportunity to help students learn more about the world around them and develop as stewards of the agriculture industry.
Describe Ag teaching in one or two words: Amazing Adventure
What do you love most about North High: I love that North High has become a second home for so many of our students. We have a large number of students on this campus that found the support they needed to grow into successful individuals because of the caring staff that works here.
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