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Chapter Officer Team


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Avigail Pryor

Year: Senior
SAE Project:  Market lamb, Meat Turkey, and Plant Project
Best FFA Activity: Water Dodge
Why should a student join an ag class:   It is very hands-on and provides a lot of information and skills that we use in our everyday lives.

Favorite FFA Memory:  The van rides to everything!

Vice President

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Haydn Clarke
Year: Senior
SAE Project: Equine Project, Market Lamb, Meat Turkey
Best FFA Activity:  Banquet
Why should a student join an ag class:  It offers an experience you won’t get anywhere else. Teaching us real life skills we need in life and especially after highschool. As well as fun, memorable experiences and opportunities. 

Favorite FFA Memory: PEP talks and van rides to water competitions.


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Haley Reed

Year: Junior
SAE Project: Market Lamb
Best FFA Activity: State Conference
Why should a student join an ag class:  Students should join an Agriculture class because it will teach them knowledge about agriculture but it will also teach them speaking skills and give them other opportunities to learn and experience things they never had before. They learn about regular science but also learn about where food and everyday items they use come from. 
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite memory was getting to show my lamb at the Kern County Fair and being able to build closer relationships with my peers. 


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Anthony Fariss

Year: Junior
SAE Project: Rabbit
Best FFA Activity:  Impromptu Speaking
Why should a student join an ag class: It teaches you more useful things in life and gives yourself more opportunities after high school. Another reason is because the teachers are always there when you need help with anything and are there to talk to you.
Favorite FFA Memory: Getting to know people from other chapters and other regions at competitions and conferences.


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Chad Fernandez

Year: Junior
SAE Project:  Jackson Stables
Best FFA Activity: State Conference
Why should a student join an ag class:  FFA is a place where everyone can be included and seen. It’s also a great chance to learn many new life skills and travel to new places while competing in competitions or attending a conference. An important part of the Ag classes and FFA program is preparing for life after high school and after being a member of this program you truly grow.
Favorite FFA Memory:  State conference because it was an experience like no other and I got to experience so many new things while having my friends around me.


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Jose Diaz
Year: Senior
SAE Project: Market Lamb, Market Turkey
Best FFA Activity:  Parli - Pro
Why should a student join an ag class:  The many memories made inside and outside of the ag classrooms. Wether your in a class working on a lab or outside in the sun in the end your always having fun and making your own family. 
Favorite FFA Memory: Getting elected to serve as regional secretary.


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Seth Carver

Year: Junior
SAE Project: Placement Lawn Care
Best FFA Activity: Opening & Closing
Why should a student join an ag class:   Agriculture classes provide knowledge you wouldn’t find in any other normal science or communication or even business classes you’d ever take! It’s also an amazing community of students and staff!
Favorite FFA Memory:  I remember my first opening and closing competition, and thinking that it would be super hard and an awful experience. Gladly, my thoughts were proven wrong by the amazing time I had and the incredibly large amount of encouragement I received. That is my favorite FFA memory. 

Chapter Officers

"If Serving is Beneath You, Leadership is Beyond You"


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