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Committee Chairs
Tanah Duty
Year: Senior
SAE Project: Soap Making
Best FFA Activity: Job Interview
Why should a student join an ag class: Students should join an agriculture class because it will give them the opportunity to grow, build strong connections with people, understand the value of agriculture, and participate in activities that will help them in the future, such as public speaking.
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memory is going to state conference for the first time and also the van rides to all the competitions.
Community Service
Emma Ehret
Year: Junior
SAE Project: Market Lamb and Poultry
Best FFA Activity: State Conference
Why should a student join an ag class: Students should join an agriculture class because it will expand their knowledge on the food they see on their table. Also, they will learn various useful life skills through competitions and conferences.
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite memory in FFA is going to the farms in the morning to take care of my lamb. I enjoy this because I get to see my classmates out of school hours and learn more about them.
Reese Stancliff
Year: Senior
SAE Project: Raising and Racing Horses
Best FFA Activity: State Conference
Why should a student join an ag class: In an agriculture class you can learn many valuable skills. It is a great way to meet new people and get involved.
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite memory is the practices and van rides for the water competitions
Living to Serve

Katie Garay Martinez
Year: Junior
SAE Project: Plant Care
Best FFA Activity: Capture the Flag
Why should a student join an ag class: It encourages students to be leaders in school, community and students can gain friendships and mentors. Joining an ag class means it’s a hand on experience that helps educate students beyond the classroom, it helps you grow as a person.
Favorite FFA Memory: Going to State Conference and the van rides we had.
Emma Blessing-Snodgrass
Year: Junior
SAE Project: Market Goat, Meat Turkey and Plant Care
Best FFA Activity: Parli Pro
Why should a student join an ag class: Students should join an Ag Class because it helps encourage students to be the best they can be and teaches them skills outside the classroom like Speaking skills, Job interview experience and Leadership training. It also gives a student an opportunity to experience FFA which is like no other program.
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memory is the van rides to Citrus Judging and also being a Delegate at State Conference that was so much fun & I learned a lot those couple days.

Kaytlin McCombs
Year: Senior
SAE Project: Food Science
Best FFA Activity: Capture the Flag
Why should a student join an ag class: It allows students to get a more hands-on experience with labs and you are in a classroom filled with others who might share the same interests as you do. It’s a wonderful way to meet new people.
Favorite FFA Memory: Going to state conference and belting to all the songs they played during the opening. Listening to all of the heartfelt stories the State officers told.
Peyton Lee
Year: Junior
SAE Project: Market Goat and Rat Care
Best FFA Activity: Banquet and Opening and Closing
Why should a student join an ag class: Being in an Agriculture class improves your knowledge of agriculture and along the way you get to make so many amazing connections with new people. Also, when participating in any competition it improves your confidence so much and you get to experience so many new and exciting things. These classes give you real-life experience and hands-on learning which is so beneficial to your education.
Favorite FFA Memory: The Kern County Fair and having the opportunity to go to the State Conference. Both of these activities have taught me what FFA truly is and how much your work pays off in the end. These experiences have been truly amazing and I am so thankful to have these memories. I have gotten the chance to meet so many new people through FFA from all around California!
Committee Chairs
"Be the leader you wish you had."
-Simon Sinek

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