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Natalie Ryan

 "Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody." -Kid President

Courses Taught: 

Agriculture Biology

Agriculture Communications

Advanced Animal Science

Education: California State University, Fresno - 

B.S. Agricultural Education , California State University, Chico- M.S. Agricultural Education

Subjects you teach: Agriculture Biology, Agriculture  Communications, Advanced Animal Science

What do you love most about being an Ag teacher: Being an ag teacher is never boring!  I love that I feel like I am at work for only a few hours because the day passes by so quickly.  Busy days always seem to pay off, making ag teaching a very rewarding career.

Describe Ag teaching in one or two words: Fulfilling

What do you love most about North High: The people at North High make this a special place for students and staff. I love the spirit you witness on spirit days, at school events. and sporting events!   

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